The 4 Pillar Plan by Dr Rangan Chatterjee. Book review.

The 4 Pillar Plan by Dr Rangan Chatterjee. Book review. - Hallo friend FOR HEALTH FOR ACTION, In the article you read this time with the title The 4 Pillar Plan by Dr Rangan Chatterjee. Book review., we have prepared well for this article you read and download the information therein. hopefully fill posts Article HEART, Article LIVER, Article LIVER DISEASE IN, Article RECIPES, Article SKIN, Article TIPS, Article TREATMENT, we write this you can understand. Well, happy reading.

Title : The 4 Pillar Plan by Dr Rangan Chatterjee. Book review.
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The 4 Pillar Plan by Dr Rangan Chatterjee. Book review.

Hello. I'm getting stuck into this book which the library kindly reserved for me. I don't usually reserve books, because I will read almost anything I might remotely be interested in, and there is plenty of choice so I don't need to pay 35p. However, I knew this book was going to be popular so I thought I'd better get my request in quick before the queue got too long.   
Some of you will have seen the Doctor in the House programmes, Channel 4 I think, Dr Chatterjee goes into people's homes and sorts out their medical problems. He follows them day to day, looking at their lifestyle, watching what they eat, how do they exercise, or not, and and advising them on a whole new lifestyle plan. I have seen some of these on yooootoooob, and I am a big fan.

The book is divided into four main chapters, Relax, Eat, Move, and Sleep, each divided into sub chapters describing each plan in detail, prioritizing the four pillars of our lives. To pick out a few of the key points. Relax - keep a gratitude journal and practice stillness daily. Eat - unprocess your diet and retrain your taste buds. Move - walk more and high intensity interval training. Sleep - create a bedtime routine and manage your commotion.

Dr Chatterjee passionately believes that the right lifestyle and nutrition can actually improve our well being and reverse our health problems, and make chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, obesity, and depression disappear.

The book is well laid out, clear concise writing, good size print so you don't have to squint, and he has a very down to earth approach to his work. He nails the real nittygritty of what a healthy diet should be, how much better you feel after regular exercise, and how important it is to get enough sleep and relaxation time.

Although a lot of what he says I already put into practice, but I can always learn more. I am a little bit naughty in that I don't switch my computer off until just before I go to bed, but hey ho, I do drop off straight away and I do sleep well and I'm always refreshed to get up in the morning. Oh, and he says have one screen free day a week. Sorry Doctor, I am only screen free when I am away from the house, that's if I don't take my netbook away with me, oooops. I will have to work on that.

See if your library has it, I think it's a book which everyone should read, not just read but to study and make notes. Don't take my word for it, check the
234 reviews on Amazon.

For more information on the book and how you can live a long and healthier life,
go to his web site.  No, this isn't a sponsored post, it's just something I believe in, and I have to give the book back.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

thus Article The 4 Pillar Plan by Dr Rangan Chatterjee. Book review.

that is all articles The 4 Pillar Plan by Dr Rangan Chatterjee. Book review. This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.

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